27 octubre 2006

John Lennon - Give Peace A Chance

John Lennon nació el 9 de octubre de 1940, en Liverpool, Inglaterra. Su padre era Fred Lennon, un marino que abandonó su familia al nacer John. Su madre era Julia Stanley, quien, al verse sóla, dejó a John junto a su hermana Mimi. Gracias a su talento artístico consiguió acceder a la universidad, para cursar la carrera de arte. Allí conoció a Cinthia Powell, con la que se casó en 1962. Se divorciaron tres años después, no sin antes haber tenido un hijo llamado Julian. De adolescente, John creó su propia banda de skiffle, llamada "The Quarrymen", con los que actuaba en el colegio. Poco después conoció a Paul McCartney, al que le propuso unirse al grupo. Este le presentó a su vez a George Harrison y John propuso cambiar el nombre del grupo por 'The Beatles'

Out of all the Beatles, John Lennon had the most interesting -- and frustrating -- solo career. Lennon was capable of inspired, brutally honest confessional songwriting and melodic songcraft; he also had a tendency to rest on his laurels, churning out straight-ahead rock & roll without much care. But the extremes, both in his music and his life, were what made him fascinating. Where Paul McCartney was content to be a rock star, Lennon dabbled in everything from revolutionary politics to the television talk-show circuit during the early '70s. After releasing a pair of acclaimed albums, John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band and Imagine, in the early '70s, Lennon sunk into an infamous "lost weekend" where his musical output was decidedly uneven and his public behavior was often embarrassing.

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Excelente BLOG...porem o donwload de Give peace a change do John Lennon, pede uma senha,..e ela nahum esta disponivel no blog...por favor alguem tem essa senha ?

ropavejero dijo...

A fim ver a senha única fazer o clique dobro na lima